Media Mistake: Brian Mulligan on Bath Salts – A Story Mistold

Media Mistake: Brian Mulligan on Bath Salts – A Story Mistold

Media icon Brian Mulligan was lucky to be alive after brutality at the hands of the LAPD. This is Part 1 in a series about how far the…

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The People v. Charlie Beck: An Indictment of Five Years of LAPD Abuse

The People v. Charlie Beck: An Indictment of Five Years of LAPD Abuse

Shortly after LAPD Chief Charlie Beck submitted formal notification of his intent to serve another, 5-year term atop the United States’ third largest police force, the sycophantic, Los…

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LAPD Officer James Nichols

LAPD Officer James Nichols

LAPD Officer James Nichols has been in the news a lot later, suspected of extortion, police brutality, and rape - yet he still has not been charged or…

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Internet freedom activist Aaron Swartz was “killed by the government”

Internet freedom activist Aaron Swartz was “killed by the government”

To quote an article on the Huffington Post -- Internet freedom activist Aaron Swartz was "killed by the government." That's what Aaron's father told mourners Tuesday during Aaron's…

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Michael Marin Desperation Letter

Michael Marin Desperation Letter

From: MICHAEL MARIN <mjmarin@***.com> Date: Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 5:12 PM Subject: Help! To: Christine Marie Dear Christine, If ever I’ve ever needed a favor from you, this is…

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Michael Marin Verdict Questioned

Michael Marin Verdict Questioned

"Have you heard the news of the Wall Street banker Michael Marin who committed suicide in court after getting convicted of arson?" On Friday night, a friend randomly…

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Debating the Motives of Bradley Manning

Debating the Motives of Bradley Manning

Journalist Glenn Greenwald (Salon) took issue with a profile of Bradley Manning written by Steven Fishman (New York Magazine) "that purports to shed new light on the accused…

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Guardian U.K. Video, Afghanistan War Logs

Guardian U.K. Video, Afghanistan War Logs

Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, explains why he decided to publish thousands of secret US military files on the war in Afghanistan

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Wikileaks Founder Assange, Speaking on Video (CNN)
Transcripts: Bradley Manning confessing to Adrian Lamo
Transcripts: Adrian Lamo after panel at HOPE

Transcripts: Adrian Lamo after panel at HOPE

AFTER THE PANEL AT THE HOPE HACKER CONFERENCE Lamo is speaking, other voices are indicated by [     ] ——————————————————– That was really quite civil. They didn’t come at…

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Transcripts: Adrian Lamo during HOPE panel

Transcripts: Adrian Lamo during HOPE panel

Lamo is speaking. Others are indicated by [     ] —————————————— I have been a longtime supporter of wikileaks and I am to this day – I think they…

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Adrian Lamo Faces Peers at Hacker Convention